Snow Tam Star Hu.

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غير معروف


الفلسفة والمنطق و علم النفس

تاريخ النشر

01 Jan 1970



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8.59 MB

عدد الصفحات

115 صفحة


Guaranteed to start a successful and fulfilled life:- An amazing statement from a world famous author. A book by famous author Mr. Ali Sherazi claims that his book “Suno Tum Sitare Ho” will definitely have a positive impact on your life. He said if you find nothing changes in your life You get 100% of your money back after reading it. Suno tum sitare ho was published 30 times in 3 different languages ​​within 7 months Many famous cricketers like Wasim Akram Aamir Westler the Great Khali and actress Amisha Patel praised the book. let’s talk about the book Record-breaking book Suno tum Sitare ho As the title suggests, this book is about stars that have ceased to shine. In other words, this book defines a person who has lost hope in life. This book has a positive impact on everyone who feels their life is over Their lives have no purpose. After 30 publications in just 7 months, this book is proof that it is sure to positively impact the lives of everyone who reads it. Another thing that makes this book unique is that this book not only guides you through the world, but also Tells how you can relate yourself to the founder of this universe. Ali Sherazi describes every aspect and every factor of life in considerable detail. His books show how in-depth his analysis of every aspect of life is. This book tells about human personality and social development Relationship with God The Value of Relationship Decision Making The Importance of Gratitude Reasons for Failure and many such topics. At the same time, he tells some inspiring events from his life so that people can relate to them. This book is about his life journey and his After reading this book, you’re sure to discover some effortless things that will have a positive impact on your thinking.

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